Red Light Camera Ticket in California? Penalty + What to Do

A red light camera ticket penalty in California will cost between $100 and $500, including the base fine and penalty charges. This infraction will also add one point to your license, which can result in higher insurance rates

But how can you tell if a red light camera caught you, and what should you do about it? Read on to find out the answer. 

How to Know If You Got a Red Light Ticket

Red light cameras are triggered by sensors. When your car passes above the sensor when the light is red, the camera snaps a picture. Some red-light cameras flash when they’re activated. If you cross through an intersection while the light is red and see a flash behind or to the side of your vehicle, you’ve probably been caught on camera.

However, most people don’t know for sure whether they’ve been caught by a red light camera until they receive a notice in the mail

How to Check If You Got a Red Light Ticket in California

Here’s how to check if you received a red light camera ticket:

  • Wait for a Notice: If someone triggers a red light camera, the court will mail a Notice of Traffic Violation to their address within two weeks. This time frame may vary from court to court, so the notice can arrive anywhere from a few days to a few weeks after the incident.
  • Check Online: In some California counties, you can check online for recent traffic tickets. Visit the county court’s website and search for your ticket using your driver’s license number, citation number, or vehicle plate number.
  • Contact the Court: If you haven’t received a notice in the mail and can’t find information online, call the traffic court in the county where the incident occurred. Provide your license number and ask if there are any pending cases or notices against it.

The notice you’ll get from the court should contain the date, time, and location of the violation, the court’s contact details, and the driver’s information. It also includes photographic evidence and instructions on what to do next, including the date to appear in court. 

Getting Caught: How to Know If You Got a Red Light Ticket
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What Is the Red Light Camera Ticket Penalty in California?

How much is a red light ticket in California? The penalty for running a red light in California is one demerit point and a base fine of $35 to $100 plus court fees and surcharges. The total cost of a red light camera ticket is $100 to $500 after surcharges and fees are added. In some cases, drivers can end up paying even more because of new or updated surcharges and fees that are imposed by local authorities. 

InfractionBase FineSurcharges & Fees
Making an illegal right turn at a red light$35$100-$250
Going through a solid or flashing red light$100$200-$500

Also note that running a red light can result in license suspension and felony charges. For example, if your driving behavior causes an accident, you may be charged with vehicular homicide or murder. 

How Many Points Is a Red Light Ticket?

Under the California DMV point system, a red light ticket will add one point to your driving record. The point will stay on your record for three years. During that time, you’ll pay higher auto insurance premiums. In the case of reckless driving, running a red light could result in more points. 

Under normal circumstances, your offense will be treated as a moving infraction. In California, most infractions that fall into this category carry a one-point penalty. 

What Happens If You Get a Red Light Camera Ticket in California?

Here’s what to expect if you got caught running a red light:

  1. You’ll get a traffic ticket in the mail: First, you’ll receive a notice of violation by mail. This document will contain your ticket information and clear instructions on how to pay or contest the citation. 
  2. Pay the fine: Depending on the court, you can pay the fine online, in person, or by mail. For example, the Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco, will accept any of these options. 
  3. Receive penalty points: The offense will add one point to your driving record. This is the standard penalty for failure to obey traffic signals in California. 
  4. Your insurance rates will go up: Expect your car insurance premiums to increase by around $77 per month for three years. 

Can You Go to Traffic School for a Red Light Ticket in California? 

If you decide to plead guilty and pay your ticket, you can ask the court for permission to attend traffic school. With this option, the point on your record will be hidden from insurance carriers and prevent them from increasing your premiums following the offense. 

In California, you can complete traffic school in less than three hours if you opt to study online.

How It Works

1️⃣ Check your eligibility – If you’re eligible for traffic school, plead guilty and pay your fine, including any traffic school fees.
2️⃣ Enroll in a California DMV-approved traffic school (like Best Online Traffic School).
3️⃣ Complete the course and pass the final exam – 99% of our students pass on the first try!
4️⃣ We submit your certificate directly to the court and DMV – no extra steps for you.

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At Best Online Traffic School, we offer interactive learning resources and unlimited exam retakes. Our curriculum covers topics like:

With Best Online Traffic School, you can:

  • Study at home at your own pace – Finish in as little as 2-3 hours.
  • Only pay when you pass – No upfront fees.
  • Take the course in English, Spanish, and Chinese – Serving all California counties, including Los Angeles, San Diego, Riverside, and Alameda.
  • Enjoy 24/7 support through our chat

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How Do You Get a Red Light Camera Ticket Dismissed?

How Do You Get a Red Light Camera Ticket Dismissed?

A red light camera ticket can sometimes be easier to fight than other kinds of traffic tickets for two reasons:

  • It isn’t your word against an officer’s
  • You can access all evidence used to issue the ticket

Generally, you can take the following steps to have your ticket dismissed:

  1. Review the citation. Check the date and time of the offense, and then review your schedule to make sure you were driving at that time. If you weren’t the one driving, you don’t need to pay for the ticket, but you must submit an affidavit form to give law enforcement the driver’s name and contact details.
  2. Ask to see the evidence. Authorities are legally required to allow you to view any photos or video footage captured by red light cameras. These will be attached to your ticket and, in some cases, posted online (e.g., the ticket may include a link to a private page). You can check your citation for instructions on how to access them. If there isn’t a clear photo of the driver, the state cannot prove its case.
  3. Return to the scene of the offense. See if there are signs within 200 feet of every road approaching the intersection stating that it has a red light camera. Time the interval of the yellow light, which should be at least three seconds. If the yellow light at the intersection where you got caught on camera doesn’t last that long, you may have a case for having your ticket dismissed.
  4. Enter a “not guilty” plea. You may be able to do this online, or you may have to appear at an arraignment.
  5. Gather evidence. Provide the court with all the evidence you’ve collected, such as images from the red light camera, your own observations from the intersection, and copies of any relevant California traffic laws. Explain to the judge why you think your citation is incorrect, unlawful, or unfair.
  6. Decide on the next steps. If the judge finds you guilty, you can appeal their decision.

If that all fails, a traffic lawyer may be able to help. A specialized attorney can examine all the facts of your case, including photos and your testimony, and then create a defense based on your circumstances. 

Alternatively, request a trial by written declaration so you don’t have to

Are Red Light Tickets Legal in California?

Are Red Light Tickets Legal in California?

Red light cameras are legal under California Vehicle Code 21455.5, which covers Offenses Relating to Traffic Devices.

The law states that, “The limit line, the intersection, or a place designated in Section 21455, where a driver is required to stop, may be equipped with an automated traffic enforcement system.”

It also sets forth certain requirements that must be met. For instance, the government agency that installs the camera is responsible for keeping it in working order. And any photos taken by red light cameras will be kept private but can be reviewed by the recipient of a red light ticket.

Do You Have to Pay Red Light Camera Tickets?

The short answer: Yes. If you receive a legitimate red light camera ticket in the mail, you should pay it. 

But there is one kind of ticket that you don’t have to pay. This is called a “snitch ticket.” You may receive one if a red light camera picks up your car or license plate, but isn’t able to get a clear photo of the driver. In this case, the court might send a fake ticket. It will be headed with the statement “Courtesy Notice: This Is Not A Ticket.” The court is hoping that you’ll just pay it. Because this isn’t a real ticket, you don’t have to.

If you receive a red light camera ticket in the mail, inspect it carefully. If it includes the courtesy notice, you don’t have to pay. If you receive a formal citation with a court date and instructions to appear, pay it promptly to avoid potential legal consequences. 

What Happens If I Don’t Pay a Red Light Camera Ticket?

There’s some debate about this. Some people say that even though you are legally responsible for the cost of the ticket, not paying it won’t come with any consequences since the ticket was mailed to you and the court has no proof that you received it.

But ignoring any type of traffic ticket is extremely risky. The state could change its policies, or still submit information to the DMV. This could result in a suspended license or make you unable to renew your license until you pay the ticket.

Final Thoughts 

Red light camera tickets do more than just add points to your California driving record. They can also impact your auto insurance premiums and, in some cases, lead to license suspension. 

The best way to deal with a red light camera ticket is never to receive one in the first place. 

FAQs about Red Light Camera Tickets

Want to know more about red light cameras and the penalties for running a red light in California? Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions.

How do red light cameras work?

Red light cameras are in sync with the traffic lights at intersections and use sensors to detect movement after the light has turned red. 

The sensors are in the road itself, so the picture is taken as the car drives over them. This helps ensure that the red light camera gets a good shot of the car and its license plate. 

Police officers review the photos taken by red light cameras and then issue traffic tickets based on the registered address of the car. The tickets are mailed to the car owner’s home.

In California, the driver is responsible for the ticket, so a red light camera ticket is only valid if it captures a clear photo of the driver’s face, either through the windshield or a side window. 

Has the red light camera program been discontinued in California?

No, it hasn’t. Sacramento and a few other counties have discontinued red light cameras, but these are exceptions. For instance, the City of Fremont uses this system in over 12 intersections. 

How many points does a red light camera ticket carry in California?

California drivers caught on camera running a red light receive one demerit point. 
However, the point count can be higher if your driving behavior results in a collision or under other aggravating circumstances. 

How can I check a red light camera ticket online?

You may be able to access your ticket online by entering your license plate number, citation number, and other identifying information on the court’s website. 
Most courts have an online traffic ticket portal where drivers can check the citations received. Here you can view details like the fine amount, due date, and photographic evidence. 

Does a red light camera ticket affect insurance premiums in California?

A red light camera ticket will increase your monthly insurance premiums by an average of $43. The exact amount depends on your insurance carrier, whether it’s a first-time or repeat offense, where the violation occurred, and other factors. 

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